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Grrl Power #1307 – Batmax


What Maxima is implying about the split decision is that the sniper competition judges were probably a bunch of boy’s club old school military types, so naturally anything resembling a tie goes to the “can write name in snow” club.

By “in the service,” Maxima means the Air Force specifically. A branch not usually renown for their snipers. Which isn’t to say there aren’t USAF special ops sniper teams or anything, but if you had to rank the branches in terms of who’s the sniperiest, it’s probably the… Army first? Like, just by sheer volume, plus various special forces. Then it’s kind of a toss up between the Marines and the Navy, which is weird, because initially I’m like, why would the Navy even have snipers, but then I’m like, oh right, the SEALS.

My point is, the Air Force only doesn’t come in last because of the Coast Guard. I won’t say the Coast Guard definitely don’t have a special forces sniper team… but they seem the least likely of any branch. I know I could google it, but it amuses me not to.

What I do know that the Air Force has lots of special ops teams that explore alien worlds and fight the Goa’uld. I mean, if Stargate SG-1 taught me anything, it’s that a P90 can definitely dunk on a Staff Weapon. Yeah, you know what clip that is, but you’re going to click anyway cause it’s baller and it’s worth rewatching at least once a year in perpetuity.

Not sure why I dedicated 1/3 of the page to a drive by on injera. I’ve only had Ethiopian food once, and honestly, it was fine. I mean, the meat, spices, etc. But, if you don’t know what injera is – I couldn’t blame you, I had to look it up – it’s like nan/pita/tortilla, except it’s thinner, spongey and kind of… wet? At least the one I had was. Ethiopian dishes, or at least one category of them, are served on a big injera, like a scoop of 5 different things, and you rip up the injera and use it to scoop up your choice of… topping. Filling, dip, whatever.

Now, I know the burning question you have is, “Why is the American Airbase in Afghanistan serving Ethiopian food?” Simple, the hospital has an Ethiopian chef on staff. Now your next question might be, “Dave, is inflicting Ethiopian culinary sensibilities on American servicemen who are probably mostly used to MREs and relatively unadventurous chow hall cuisine, who are also in the hospital for one reason or another, possibly on drugs that make their whole GI tract a little iffy to start with, a recipe for ensuing hilarity?” Yes.

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